GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

nestor Community-Profiles

The nestor Community Profiles are compilations of data on individual communities in digital long-term archiving. They are a product of the global community survey conducted by nestor in 2019/2020 and again in 2023.
All communities listed here agreed to the publication of their profile.

We understand a digital preservation community as:

• an open community of persons and/or institutions which engages with the subject of digital long-term archiving. Digital long-term archiving can be one of several topics which the community deals with.
• A community whose members are committed to digital long-term archiving in a manner that goes beyond pure self-interest. Its central or sole purpose is not to supply a product or provide a commercial service.
• A platform for discussing the topic of digital long-term archiving and its advancement, including the development of tools and/or the provision of services.

It can be
- local, regional, national or international
- large or small
- product-related or not product-related.

With this offer, nestor helps to improve transparency with regard to the globally distributed communities and to find opportunities for cooperation more easily.
If you represent a community and are interested in making your data available online as well, please feel free to contact nestor:

The Community Survey is managed and conducted by nestor’s Community Survey WG.

Academic Preservation Trust, as of 2021
ADPNet -Alabama Digital Preservation Network, as of 2023
Alaska Digital Archives, as of 2021
APREDIG, as of 2021
Archivemativa, as of 2021
A-TEX - Texas Archivematica User Group, as of 2021
AusEaaSI, as of 2023
Australasia Preserves, as of 2021
Australian Antarctic Data Centre, as of 2021
Australian Preservica Users, as of 2023
Aye Preserve, as of 2021
Best Practices Exchange, as of 2021
Bitcurator Consortium, as of 2021
Brighton and Sussex Digital Preservation Group, as of 2021
CLOCKSS, as of 2023
CLOCKSS Archive, as of 2021
COPTR/COW/Digipres Commons, as of 2021
CoreTrustSeal, as of 2021
Czech Digital Mathematics Library, as of 2023
Danish RDM Network - Nationalt Research Data management Netvaerk, as of 2023
Digital Library Federation (DLF), as of 2021
Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), as of 2023
Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), as of 2021
DIMAG-Partner, as of 2021
DIMAG Verbund, as of 2023
DRAGDeutschsprachige Rosetta Anwendergruppe, as of 2023
DRAG - Deutschsprachige Rosetta Anwendergruppe, as of 2021
E-ARK Consortium, as of 2023
IASA, as of 2021
Kennisnetwerk Informatie en Archief, as of 2021
Kölner LZA-Treff, as of 2023
Kölner LZA-Treff, as of 2021
Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera/Municipality Organisation Sydarkivera, as of 2021
Koordinationsstelle für die dauerhafte Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen KOST, as of 2023
Koordinationsstelle für die dauerhafte Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen KOST, as of 2021
NDSA - National Digital Stewardship Alliance, as of 2023
NDSA - National Digital Stewardship Alliance, as of 2021
nestor - Kompetenznetzwerk digitale Langzeitarchivierung, as of 2023
nestor - Kompetenznetzwerk digitale Langzeitarchivierung, as of 2021
NSLA Digital preservation Network, as of 2021
Open Preservation Foundation, as of 2021, as of 2023
Portico, as of 2021
PREMIS Editorial Committee, as of 2023
PREMIS Editorial Committee, as of 2021
Protoweb, as of 2023
RepManNet - AG Langzeitarchivierung im Netzwerk für Repositorienmanager*innen, as of 2023
Rosetta User Group, as of 2023
SAFE PLN, as of 2023
Scholars Portal, as of 2021
SouthEast Asia-Pacific AudioVisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA), as of 2021
University Library in Bratislava, as of 2021

Modification date: Apr 13, 2022