Preservation of Digital Materials WG
Objectives and tasks
During its initial phase (2009-2013) the Preservation of Digital Materials WG concerned itself primarily with four questions which are likely to be of importance for most digital archives:
- How can a digital archive identify and formulate user interests?
- What significant characteristics can be derived from the users' interests?
- How can these requirements be put into practice?
- How can these different levels be integrated?
A guide to digital preservation planning was created based on the results of the working group. This describes a procedural model for the long-term archiving of digital objects and provides information on possible forms of implementation. More information about the guide can be found at ... or the detailed guide itself can be downloaded from "Publications". It has also been translated into English.
The working group has met once a year since 2014 to discuss practical implementation of digital preservation planning. Once a number of approaches have been implemented, they are presented and compared in a workshop.