GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

Research Data WG

Objectives and tasks

The joint Forschungsdaten von DINI e.V. WG (founded in 2014) and nestor share the goal of supporting interdisciplinary and inter-institutional liaison, as well as the coordination of activities related to the topics of research data and research data management in the German-speaking countries. The insights of experienced specialists and institutions should feed into the management of research data and be disseminated, thereby helping to support the so-called small sciences or smaller infrastructure facilities. The WG cooperates locally, nationally and internationally, as well as on a discipline-specific and interdisciplinary basis with other initiatives to advance research data management in Germany in a coordinated manner.

  • Key topics include
  • Long-term preservation of research data
  • Research data policies
  • Data management plans
  • Qualification of / training for different actors
  • Institutional use of persistent identifiers
  • Discussion of legal framework in collaboration with the alliance initiative
  • Cooperation models
  • Selection and evaluation of research data
  • Metadata for research data in cooperation with DINI-WG KIM
  • Research data as an integral part of virtual research environments

The DINI/nestor WG provides a platform in two ways: it uses and participates in the Web-based wiki platform and it is also a platform in the sense of a communication network for the staff involved.

Contact Persons

Janna Neumann, Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB)