Certification WG
Objectives and tasks
On the basis of DIN 31644: "Criteria for trustworthy digital long-term archives", the WG has developed the nestor seal procedure. It comprises the extended self-evaluation of long-term archives on the basis of DIN 31644, the examination and appraisal by 2 reviewers, and finally the award of the nestor seal and registration with the nestor office. For the implementation of the nestor seal procedure, the WG provides a procedure manager and two reviewers. The procedure is continuously evaluated and optimized.
More detailed information on the nestor seal procedure can be found on the nestor seal web pages
Contact Persons
Astrid Schoger, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Christian Keitel, Landesarchiv Baden-Würtemberg
Modification date: Feb 12, 2020