GSB 7.1 Standardlösung


Content provider

German National Library
Federal institution under public law
represented by
Director General Frank Scholze
Adickesallee 1
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone + 49-69-1525-0
Fax + 49-69-1525-1010

VAT No.: DE152407811

This imprint also applies to the Mastodon, Bluesky, Twitter and YouTube accounts.

Phone + 49 69 1525-1141
Fax + 49 69 1525-1799

Legal disclaimer

All the information contained in our website has been carefully checked. We make every effort to ensure that the information provided is complete, up-to-date and factually correct. It is, however, impossible to guarantee that all errors have been excluded. No liability can therefore be accepted for the information's completeness, accuracy or currency.

The publisher reserves the right to change and / or discontinue the website at any time without giving advance notice. It is under no obligation to update the content of this website.

Access to and use of this site is at the user's own risk. The German National Library is not responsible and assumes no liability for damage, including direct, indirect, incidental, or pre-specified or consequential damage allegedly caused by or in connection with access to and/or use of this website.

The operator assumes no responsibility for the content and the availability of third party websites that can be reached using external links contained in this site. The publisher expressly distances itself from all content which may contravene criminal or liability laws or which offends common decency.

Design, photo credits

Credits for the three main images on the homepage:
"Schreibende Hände" © kristian sekulic -
"Kabelstecker" © sax -
"Harfe" © drx -
Graphic design: GLOBIT GmbH.