Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
The Institut für Deutsche Sprache (German Language Institute) based in Mannheim was founded in 1964 and is a foundation under public law supported by the Federal Government and the Land of Baden-Württemberg. As such, it is a member of the Leibniz Association and is regarded as the central non-university institution for research into and documentation of the German language in its current use.
Competences and priorities in the area of long-term preservation
A significant part of the digital preservation work is based on a very large, diverse and growing collection of self-collated German language research data which are used by linguists, nationally and internationally, as a foundation for linguistic theories. The Institute's expertise in this field is based on its long tradition of archiving voice data, giving rise to current research into the legal and ethical aspects of storing voice data and to the development of organisational structures for its preservation..
Prof. Dr. Andreas Witt
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Postfach 10 16 21
68016 Mannheim
Tel: +49 621 - 1581-165
Fax: +49 621 - 1581-200
Pia Schwarz
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Postfach 10 16 21
68016 Mannheim
Tel: +49 621 - 1581-170
Fax: +49 621 - 1581-200